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RJG-330 Ryan Goeken

"Lewis Lake Shoreline" Print

"Lewis Lake Shoreline" Print

Regular price $165.00 USD
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"Lewis Lake Shoreline" Print

Artist: Ryan Goeken

Print of an Original watercolor painting

The print comes with a thick, archival quality foam matboard on the back, packaged in a biodegradable protective sleeve, ready for a frame of your choice

Choose from:

15" x 30


8"  x 16"

From the artist:

 This painting is the second in a series focusing on ecotones, or areas where two different ecosystems meet. One of the most common ecotones occurs where water meets land. This painting is of a wet meadow at the edge of Lewis Lake in the Snowy Range. This lake is near the trailhead that takes you through “the gap” to the northern side of the Snowies, or, if you skirt around the lake to the west, to the top of Medicine Bow Peak. This painting features a few of my favorite, showy, water-loving flowers, including marsh marigold, Parry’s primrose and elephanthead lousewort. Joining the lakeside party are Queen’s crown, wooly cinquefoil, and sulphur Indian paintbrush.





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